October 28, 2016
It seems like “the cloud” has become an ubiquitous buzzword these days, and for good reason: it’s simply moving computing processes to the Internet instead of having them performed locally. Hudson helps our clients take advantage of the recent technological innovations that have revolutionized IT infrastructure and those clients are able to enjoy the numerous benefits that come with a simpler, more sensible form of computing. While it may seem like moving those processes to the Internet might be risky, it’s a very safe form of computing and many companies are moving towards the cloud for good reason.
Generally speaking, there are three levels to the cloud: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. Infrastructure is the base for the other two, and the types of functions incorporated under that category include storage, servers, backup, maintenance and security. Those services are delivered over the internet and are handled on Hudson’s end. Platform enables companies to customize applications and functionality without the complexity of building infrastructure. Software is essentially any Internet-based service – like e-mail, for example – and that’s the most commonly-used cloud capability, especially for smaller companies.
There are plenty of reasons to move computing to the cloud. The most prominent among them is the capability for cost savings. With traditional data centers, there’s often a suboptimal level of usage: companies must build up their hardware to accommodate the highest possible level of usage and often waste a portion of that capacity. Cloud computing moves the servers off-site and pricing more accurately reflects consumer needs and usage patterns; the added flexibility is reflected in the bottom line because companies are able to more quickly adjust their computing abilities to fit their needs when their infrastructure is hosted on the cloud.
Additionally, by contracting an outside firm like Hudson to handle computing processes, companies often experience significant savings by avoiding the costs of hardware, utilities, and support staff needed to maintain traditional data center capabilities. Cloud computing doesn’t have the costs associated with building infrastructure, performing maintenance, and undertaking administrative tasks. Hudson is capable of taking on those responsibilities so our clients can focus on their core business instead of wasting time and money on computing process that they may not be as familiar with.
Flexibility is a significant advantage that cloud computing provides relative to more traditional methods. There’s increased flexibility for employees: users are able to access information through the internet, which enables them to work remotely and still stay in sync with their coworkers – promoting collaboration and increased mobility. Frequent software updates and other functionality upgrades are handled seamlessly and automatically over the cloud, which can help companies avoid temporary shutdowns.
While it may intuitively feel like moving valuable information off-site makes that information less safe, it is not the case. In fact, Hudson’s security and privacy capabilities make your information more secure than if it were held on traditional servers. We understand the threats that exist in modern communications and we’re committed to offering top-flight cyber-security measures. We can also assure that our servers are reliable; the risk of having functions become temporarily unusable is much lower when services are hosted on the cloud.
IT infrastructure and software can often be overwhelming for firms who attempt to handle those things in-house. Contracting a firm like Hudson can help alleviate the concerns and frustrations that come with building, troubleshooting, or upgrading software. We harness the power of the Internet to help enterprises bring their computing processes to the cloud, which makes information safer, reduces cost, and improves flexibility and functionality.